A note to encourage you

By Brad Klaassen

I have been thinking about Colossians chapter three for a while now. Paul was writing from prison to address the church of Colossia that needed a little course correction.

In chapter three, Paul is telling the church how to treat each other. It is kind of an odd chapter since they were Christians after all. Part of me thinks it’s just normal to be honest and kind to each other. Nonetheless, Paul felt the need to tell them – do not lie to each other. I guess I thought that would be obvious, but I guess not.

Be kind, humble, meek, and long suffering. I encourage you to read the whole chapter. It is a good reminder that not every day is filled with unicorns and rainbows and on the days that are not, we still need to be kind, humble, and long suffering.

Be good to each other, you never know what someone else is enduring when they are less than kind.

Brad Klaassen