A Note to Encourage You

By Jeff Kaiser

This week’s note may be the after effects of traveling for 31 hrs! :-) All kidding aside, I’ve been thinking a lot about a couple of verses…these are the verses…
Proverbs 9:10 — The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
John 13:34 — A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
You may ask yourself, “What do these have to do with one another?” Good question!
This is my conviction. As the people of God, I believe we have lost the fear of the Lord. I’m not talking about being deathly afraid of Him. The Hebrew word means awesome, reverence, extremely fearing. Yes, we love the intimacy with God! But do we respect who He is and what He is capable of? Do we take His grace for granted? Do we really take heed of His word to us…about how to act, treat one another? Do we really love one another? Which leads me to the other verse…“Even as I have loved you, that you also love one another…” Tall order to fill!
The churches I was in, they are really expecting the return of Jesus soon. Obviously, none of them know the day, hour, etc…but you can see the signs in the earth. I was asked MANY times in Estonia, Latvia, and Finland if I have been teaching on the rapture. I was really surprised I was asked that many times by different groups of people. They are really waiting for Jesus to come for us!
I told them the Lord has not led me to teach on that…but rather strengthening the Body of Christ’s faith, equipping them to live in these days as we wait for Him! To persevere in faith in these days!
We don’t want to just ride this out waiting, but we want to be a people that are the last stop for someone going to hell. To deliver them, see them healed, and set free! To walk with Jesus! There is a lot of work to do, so my friend, we don’t just get to sit on the sidelines, we have got to be in the game, sharing the Gospel, helping others in their walk with Jesus! And you thought you would coast in retirement! LOL
My friend, Father trusts you with His love, power, anointing, gifts, and authority! He didn’t ask you to do this when you’re perfect. He has good works prepared beforehand that you should walk in them! (Eph. 2:10)
As we’re in this journey together, let’s see what He is going to do! 
Much love in Jesus, 
Pastor Jeff