Is for middle school and high school age students (7th – 12th grade). Come join us so you can:
Encounter, Empower, and Impact is what happens when you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, not just religion.
Discipleship, Transformation, Community and Connection is how we do life together in and out of church
Equip, Engage, Serve, and Multiply. Young people are capable of so much and we want to develop our future leaders. Engaging in local outreaches and mission trips (within the U.S. and to the Nations).
Learning Christ likeness in authentic Faith, being God’s image bearers. Do you know are God’s masterpiece in the process of being painted. See Ephesians 2:10.
Following your dreams and purpose. Only God’s Minecraft building blocks can lead to your future and destiny, and eternity with Him.
Every Sunday night 6:00 – 7:30 PM come and Worship, spend time in the Word and Prayer. Learning about and Glorifying God is part of what we do every week and have fun too.